Dear Fellow Classmates,

LCHS 1970 photoWe haven’t forgotten you!

After weighing the pros and cons of keeping our date in October, we acted on the side of caution and with much disappointment decided to postpone our reunion celebration until June 3, 4 and 5, 2022.

Our vendor contracts commit us to a certain dollar amount, and we have budgetary concerns if we do not meet our minimums. Fortunately, our vendors can work with is for this new date!

Please keep in mind our goal…throwing the BEST PARTY EVER! We hope foe an ENTHUSIASTIC, MASKLESS AND SAFE class gathering next June. This wasn’t easy and we hope that you understand.

Next June’s reunion format will remain the same – Friday golf, Friday evening informal gathering, Saturday morning tours of downtown Lancaster, Saturday evening dinner and dancing and Sunday morning Mass at LCHS.

A fantastic weekend awaits us next June 3, 4 and 5. Mark your calendars and look for invitations early April 2022.

Class of 1970 Reunion Planning Committee
by Barbara Stank Simpson

NOTE: If your contact information has changed, please send us an update. If you don’t have email, please send us your phone number. We are trying to keep postage costs down, so if there is another way for us to reach you, please let us know!

Friday, June 3, 2022 - Sunday, June 5, 2022

The beautiful Marriott at Penn Square in historic downtown Lancaster will be the setting for our reunion celebration Saturday evening

Your reunion committee is putting together a fun-filled weekend, including:

  • Friday golf outing
  • Informal gathering on Friday evening
  • Saturday morning tour of downtown Lancaster
  • Saturday evening reunion celebration at the Marriott
  • Sunday morning Mass at the LCHS Chapel

Check out our Facebook page (lchs class of 1970 reunion) and our website: ( for updates.

This weekend will be worth the wait so please mark your calendars and plan on being together once again.

50 + 2= a BIG Deal!!!

 June 2020

Dear Classmates,

Plans for our 50th reunion are taking shape nicely, with a “Save the Date” announcement on its way to all those for whom we have current addresses.  Our primary focus is on getting as many of us out for the weekend as possible — we need you!   If you are in touch with others from the Class of ’70, please encourage them to mark their calendars at the same time that you mark your own.   In particular, we need contact info for the following:

Mike Albright
Angelina DeNolo 
Eileen Fisher 
Bill Foltz
Patricia Hauck 
Terry Helm 
Greg Keller 
Kathleen Leaman 
Kathy Massa 
Elisa Morales

Barb Paul 
Lisa Reich 
Larry Stankowski 
Sharon Wakefield 
Kathy Watts
Thomas Cappy 
Cecilia Dougherty 
Beth Green 
Nancy Hecker 
Connie Hilt

Linda Kovaleski 
Vincent Long 
Mary Lou Meagher
Sharlene Mundis 
Mark Reiff 
Jo Stein 
Dennis Waller 
James Zipp

If you can help us get in touch with any of these folks, please contact Linda LeFever Krall at

We hope to have a site for the Saturday night event finalized by early January, so stop back to this site then for more information.  And we’ll be posting the weekend schedule as it’s set, so bookmark this site and check regularly for details. 

See you soon!

LCHS 50th Reunion